Sunday, September 30, 2012

OC & Kiddos

My good friend Kara came to town for the weekend with her kiddos.  We don't see each other nearly often enough, but always have a great time catching up!

We met up for dinner & drinks one night downtown.  It was so fun to catch of my dearest friends and I miss hanging with her!

Misty came out with us too. 

The next day we took all the kids to the pumpkin patch out at Rocky Creek Farms. 
Ben, Aislinn pushing Conn, Zach, Autumn & April

This farm leaves a little to be desired, but it's still fun to go out there and the kids love it.  Here they're trying to 'pet' the chickens.

 I always love when my kids get to hang out and have fun with my friends' kids.

Loaded up on the hayride out to the pumpkin patch. 

Ben & friends. 

Ben got to help drive the tractor for a bit along the ride.

We got out pretty early this year...and obviously caught a gorgeous day.  I told the boys they could pick out little pumpkins to paint.

The corn 'maze' (I use the word pretty loosely)...I felt like we were just walking through a trampled field, but Aislinn did manage to lead us out to the other side. 

And this is what a day of fun in the sun will do to you...

They were refreshed and ready to paint pumpkins when they woke up.

 Zach's was more of the abstract art.

 Ben called his 'warrior pumpkin'

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fun Run

They had a Fun Run fundraiser at Ben's School...the kids raised money by collecting donations or pledges towards their laps...each class ran for 30 min!  I was able to sneak out of work to watch the big's fun to watch him take part and interact with all the kids.

They all lined up and took off on the whistle...Ben was the first one around the track! 

There's Elsye in the pink/white. 

 They had to stop and get marks on their number tag each lap to keep track. They stopped for drinks of water once in awhile too, but for the most part they were running/walking their laps for the full 30 min.

Burst of energy 


Tallying up the marks.  That's Ben's substitute teacher Mrs. Hassler in the white (Mrs. Burke was out for about 4 weeks due to a surgery). 

27 laps! 

With some of his classmates...Elsye (cousin)



And two of his other good buddies that are in a different K class...Nolan & Benjamin

Saturday, September 22, 2012


We were able to catch up with Champ at the Homecoming parade.  Zach loves Champ...but mostly from afar.  He is exactly like Ben was at that age.  This was a huge improvement as he was able to stand within a foot of him without crying of fear...he's still a little unsure, but I don't think it'll be long before he is giving hugs.

They didn't want to let him go, but champ had to get up to the game...and so did we.

Tailgate camping

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Go Broncos

As in Ben's Flag Football team Broncos!  Ben's playing on a team of Kindergarten-1st Graders through the program at the Y.  He has really been liking it and it is pretty entertaining to watch!  I have to get a couple video clips uploaded for the full effect.

Coach Robert giving the play... Coach Nick helping out too.  :)

Lined up for kickoff.

Ben at quarterback... look at the concentration.

Wesley's sister Bella is a great little cheerleader for the team. 

Ben with his buddy Wesley 

Wesley, Bella & Ben

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bobcat Football

Bobcat Gamedays are some of our favorite Fall Saturdays.  I love that the boys get to grow up with this tradition and look forward to the games as much as us.  What better to get ready for the game than a little tailgating with friends...we always have fun venturing over to the Weedin's stompin grounds!

Ben & Brady... I have pictures of these 2 as babies and now they're big Kindergartners! 

Scoping out this cool 'table'...

You can see the crowd starting to gather... 

And then the next thing we know, they have cups set up and are discussing the where would they learn something like this.  :) 

 Myles Robinson & Zach

Zach hitching a ride over to the Bobcat Prowl.

The boys love Champ...we basically play 'I spy Champ' throughout the whole game.

Here comes the team!

Ben getting his fives in.

We bought Ben a '97' jersey like his Dad's...and got Morasko put on Zach's jersey too.

Miss Riley's first Bobcat season...I remember the days of my kids laying on blankets in the stands!

Ben wanted to go down and get a close look at the team running out.

Here they come!