Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bobcat Football

Bobcat Gamedays are some of our favorite Fall Saturdays.  I love that the boys get to grow up with this tradition and look forward to the games as much as us.  What better to get ready for the game than a little tailgating with friends...we always have fun venturing over to the Weedin's stompin grounds!

Ben & Brady... I have pictures of these 2 as babies and now they're big Kindergartners! 

Scoping out this cool 'table'...

You can see the crowd starting to gather... 

And then the next thing we know, they have cups set up and are discussing the where would they learn something like this.  :) 

 Myles Robinson & Zach

Zach hitching a ride over to the Bobcat Prowl.

The boys love Champ...we basically play 'I spy Champ' throughout the whole game.

Here comes the team!

Ben getting his fives in.

We bought Ben a '97' jersey like his Dad's...and got Morasko put on Zach's jersey too.

Miss Riley's first Bobcat season...I remember the days of my kids laying on blankets in the stands!

Ben wanted to go down and get a close look at the team running out.

Here they come!