Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fun with Cousins

We went home over the weekend to celebrate Ben's Great Grampa Begger's 80th birthday...lots of great time with family and of course Ben always loves getting together with his cousins.

Our big surprise was that Tate & Annie were able to get back from Denver in time so we could enjoy the weekend with them. Tate looks he is reading books to Ben.

There was lots of 4-wheeler rides throughout the weekend. Ben was a little skiddish at first...

...but once we forced him on a ride it was hard to get him off!

Nick playin with the kids... Kenna, Abby, Tate & Ben in front. Great picture and everyone was having fun...about 5 seconds after I snapped the picture our little Ben floored the gas and poor Abby & Tate flew off the back. Some ouches, but thankfully everyone recovered!

Buzz heads...Nick let me buzz his head while we were home so now they are really quite the pair!

Abby, Ben & Grace enjoying a popcicle break.

Grace lovin it!

Swinging on the tire horse, Black Beauty, with Gramma.

Grace & Ben playin in the sand turtle.

We love the farm!