Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy 80th Great Grampa!

A bunch of the family was home over the weekend to help celebrate Ben's Great Grampa Begger's 80th birthday... Happy Birthday Grampa!

My dad's family - Front: Joyce, Grampa, Gramma & Linda
Back: Cindy, Jerry, Susan, Andy, Laureen, Bill & Dad

With the spouses - Front: Frank, Joyce, Grampa, Gramma, Linda, Mom, & Darlene
Back: Jim, Cindy, Jerry, Connie, Gwen, Susan, Andy, Laureen, Lee, Wayne, Dad & Bill

Everyone showed Grampa that money really can grow on trees! :)

Grampa & squeezes for Tate.

He's still the man.

Ben with Grampa & Mom.

Some of the boys - Joe, Hayden, & Tate.

...and still a goofball! :)

Grampa & Dad and their homemade canes.

The start of our awesome family!

Some of the grandkids and great-grandkids that were able to make it home. Fun fact - on Grampa's 80th birthday there was a total family count (including children, spouses, grandchildren, great-grandchildren) of 80!

Our little family.

Quite a bunch!