Saturday, October 31, 2009

To Infinity & Beyond!

For all the Toy Story fans out there...Ben was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween. He loved every minute of it and was really into it this year!

Getting ready to hit the neighborhood.

Me and my little Buzz.

This is how we rolled between blocks...

I don't think he stopped grinning all night!

Ben marched right up to the first house and nailed the 'trick-or-treat'...he was a pro! I went up to the doors the first few times with him, but by the end he was telling me to 'stay here' (on the sidewalk with Dad) so he could do it by himself. Apparently it's already not cool to have your mom tag along!

Checking out the stash.

He had to try a few things out.

He also loved helping Dad hand out the candy!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Carving - Dad's B-day

We celebrated Dad's birthday by ordering dinner in and then having a pumpkin carving party. :)

Ben getting ready to paint his pumpkin...we thought he might be safer with a paintbrush than a knife! ha

Away they go.

How am I doin?

Not sure what type of work of art he was trying to perfect, but he thought he needed a paintbrush for each hand.

Helping dad pick the guts from his pumpkin. We were surprised he actually dug in!

This is what you get when you tell Ben to say cheese. :)

Watching dad carve out his pumpkin.

Look at those works of art!

Not sure what got them going...

I think the oreo crusted face gave Ben a good touch...

Two of a kind.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Big Brother

Well we're half way another 4+ months Ben will get to meet his new little brother or sister! We had our ultrasound and everything looked great...growing right on target. And no, we didn't peak so we all have to wait to find out if there'll be more blue in the family or we'll dive into pink?!

Not sure Ben fully knows what's coming, but if you ask him, he does know there's a baby in mom's tummy. And if he slows down long enough, he even talks to it, tickles it, or gives it a kiss once in awhile. :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cat Game

It was fun having everyone in town and be able to catch a Cat game on a sunny (yes, even hot) afternoon...and fun to spend my birthday with everyone!

We stopped off to see the new bronzed Cat on the way to the game.

Our little tailgaters.

Beth brought puppy chow and these two didn't venture too far away from it!

Good stuff!

Couldn't convince Casey to put on any Cat gear at this point, but at least there was some blue and gold. :)

Come on Grampa...we have places to go and puppy chow to eat!

Kickin it.

The girls...Carly, me & Beth...

...the boys... Sean, Nick & Casey.

Grampa & Gramma enjoying their first Bobcat game experience...complete with tailgating a couple hours befor game time!

Enjoying a beverage with Grampa.

The band came through the tailgate area and these two were glued... I think Ben was more scouting for Champ (yes, still not a fan), but Grace was into the band!

Better view from up there I think.

Now you know how we spend our Saturday's Gramma! :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day with Gramma

Gramma & Grampa and Casey, Carly & Grace came up for the weekend, but Gramma caught a ride up a day early so her and Ben got to hang out on Friday.

I think the day was full of activities!

It was so nice out they even got some play time out with the pups.

Breakfast the next morning with Grace.

Out enjoying the beautiful fall morning!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sleepover with Jane

I know he's a little young for sleepovers with girls, but Ben got to have Jane over for a sleepover for 2 nights...he had so much fun he still asks where Jane is almost every day.

We had Jane over on a Thursday and Friday night so this was our 'work' morning. They got to have breakfast snacks in bed and watch cartoons while we got ready. Ben would just look over at Jane and smile. :)

We went from movies... jumping on beds!

This was our getting ready Saturday morning...Jane was figuring out what she wanted in her hair so Ben wanted in on it too... you can tell by his barrette. :)

I love Jane's little smirk here.

They are good little buddies...we can't wait for Jane to come back and see us!