Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Carving - Dad's B-day

We celebrated Dad's birthday by ordering dinner in and then having a pumpkin carving party. :)

Ben getting ready to paint his pumpkin...we thought he might be safer with a paintbrush than a knife! ha

Away they go.

How am I doin?

Not sure what type of work of art he was trying to perfect, but he thought he needed a paintbrush for each hand.

Helping dad pick the guts from his pumpkin. We were surprised he actually dug in!

This is what you get when you tell Ben to say cheese. :)

Watching dad carve out his pumpkin.

Look at those works of art!

Not sure what got them going...

I think the oreo crusted face gave Ben a good touch...

Two of a kind.