Saturday, October 31, 2009

To Infinity & Beyond!

For all the Toy Story fans out there...Ben was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween. He loved every minute of it and was really into it this year!

Getting ready to hit the neighborhood.

Me and my little Buzz.

This is how we rolled between blocks...

I don't think he stopped grinning all night!

Ben marched right up to the first house and nailed the 'trick-or-treat'...he was a pro! I went up to the doors the first few times with him, but by the end he was telling me to 'stay here' (on the sidewalk with Dad) so he could do it by himself. Apparently it's already not cool to have your mom tag along!

Checking out the stash.

He had to try a few things out.

He also loved helping Dad hand out the candy!