Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cat Game

It was fun having everyone in town and be able to catch a Cat game on a sunny (yes, even hot) afternoon...and fun to spend my birthday with everyone!

We stopped off to see the new bronzed Cat on the way to the game.

Our little tailgaters.

Beth brought puppy chow and these two didn't venture too far away from it!

Good stuff!

Couldn't convince Casey to put on any Cat gear at this point, but at least there was some blue and gold. :)

Come on Grampa...we have places to go and puppy chow to eat!

Kickin it.

The girls...Carly, me & Beth...

...the boys... Sean, Nick & Casey.

Grampa & Gramma enjoying their first Bobcat game experience...complete with tailgating a couple hours befor game time!

Enjoying a beverage with Grampa.

The band came through the tailgate area and these two were glued... I think Ben was more scouting for Champ (yes, still not a fan), but Grace was into the band!

Better view from up there I think.

Now you know how we spend our Saturday's Gramma! :)

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