Friday, May 7, 2010

QT with the Fam

We had lots of family come stay with us for the weekend so had fun hanging out and spending time together!

Zach & Grampa

Zach just started smiling more consistently and he couldn't resist giving Grampa big ones!

Abby, Ben & Grace - Ben was so excited for his cousins to come!

Zach & Aunt Annie

All smiles - Carly, Grace & Casey

Grace & Ben chowin.

Annie, Abby, Carly, Grace & Casey

Our baby boy is already getting so big!

He's a little snuggle bug so everyone had to take a turn - with Gramma...

...cousin Abby...



...& Uncle Casey.
We love having everyone come see us! We missed Clint & Jada & the kiddos!