Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Swim Lessons

We took advantage of mom's time off from work and Ben got to take some swim lessons and also a tumbling class. His good little buddy Brady was in the classes too so they had lots of fun getting to see each other weekly. Here's a few snaps from swim lessons...

They did pretty good with lessons. Ben was a different boy from day 1 when he very cautiously stepped down into the water from lessons 5-6 when he was flapping around and having a little harder time paying attention. :)

I didn't get any pics of tumbling, but the boys had lots of fun running, jumping, and much fun that we often heard the teacher saying 'Ben & Brady....' ... they were sometimes having a little too much fun off on their own! It's so much fun for Ben to have such a good little friend and watch them interact and grow together...lots of fun years ahead!