Saturday, May 8, 2010

Zach's Baptism

We had Zach baptised at Holy Rosary Catholic Church during the Saturday evening mass by Father Leo. Cory & Annie are Zach's Godparents so they were there with Kenna & Abby, as well as Gramma & Grampa B and Casey, Carly & Grace.

The man of the hour! He wore the same white vest that Ben wore for his.

Grace getting all prettied up ready to go.

Grace & Ben are ready!

So is our cute little Abby!

Pretty girls!

Blessing from Father.

Getting dunked in the Baptismal Font! He barely made a peep!

Receiving the oils.

Zach in his Baptism Bib from Gramma & Grampa.

Picture with Father Leo.

Ben was pretty intrigued with it all!

Zach & his Godparents.

With Gramma & Grampa.

Me & my guy.

The gang.

Snuggling with Gramma.

With the cake Gramma made.

Zach - all greased up from the oils!

Everyone else was off playing so Zach & I stole the spotlight for the cake shots. :)