Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I think for the first time since leaving the nest, I didn't have to travel for Thanksgiving! My parents were able to venture this way so we hosted Thanksgiving and spent a fun holiday weekend at home.

Apparently this is going to be the normal family picture for the next few years.

I know Zach...your brother's hugs get a little rough!

Gramma & Grampa... yes, my mom did a little cooking, but hopefully was able to relax and enjoy the day a little more!

Nick carving the turkey.

We were giving Nick a little bit of a hard time because this is what time we ate our '12:00 dinner'...but boy was it worth the wait!! :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Grampa was busy entertaining the boys...

And Gramma brought a gingerbread train so her and Ben were busy decorating it.

The finished work of art!


Brady Andrew Weedin said...

These are awesome--looks like a perfect Thanksgiving!! Love the "normal family picture from now on!"

Regina said...

Wow Carrie, look at what a small internet world this is- I can't believe I came across your blog! It has been so long- you have a great family! We need to catch up!