Friday, February 25, 2011

New Buddy

Our friends Dave & Renee Kenyon from Denver happened to get up our way for a wedding so we were able to spend some time with them and get to know their little guy Matthew (2). Ben had fun having another little buddy around and they kept plenty busy. It was great seeing them and hope they can make it back when the weather is a little more friendly and we can get out and show them the area a little more!

Working on the truck...

A little elliptical time.

Thanks for coming and staying with us!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I can't possibly have a 4 yr old?! We celebrated with our buddies in Billings, but we had a small little celebration on the actual big day. Can't believe how fast time's been so much fun watching him grow, yes taller (he's 43 inches), but also developmentally...he's a boy full of questions and the answers when you least expect it (the memory of an elephant!). He's full of energy and keeps us all's no wonder he hasn't an ounce of fat on him...he never slows down! He never ceases to amaze us and we can't get enough of seeing the world through his eyes.

I caved...he finally got a pair of light-up shoes. About a year ago I had bought Ben a pair of Diego snowboots...he put them on and was stomping around and I asked him what he was doing...he told me "they don't work"... I promised some day he could have a pair that "worked". :)

We've had play dough burgers almost daily! And he's getting into the transformers...although Dad wasn't very happy with me because I didn't pay attention to the level and it's become partly his project too...oops, what do I know about transformers?!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chucky Cheese Please

We braved the madness and hit up Chucky Cheese for a little bday celebration. Ben had never been there, but had seen commercials and knew a little bit of what it was from talking about it... I think it's safe to say he won't forget it now and we will probably have many conversations about why we can't go there every time we're in Billings. :)

Ben & Zach waiting for their friends to get there.

Trying out some rides.

Better shot at the gophers if you sit on top.

Lez, Jane & Bryce came to party with us.

Yes, they still have the rocket.

Ali, Lez & I

Robbie putting his hot air to good use. :)

Let's party! Ben has only seen SpongeBob a handful of times, but for some reason was obsessed with having a SpongeBob bday. He's even hoping his Gramma brings him a SpongeBob cake when she comes in a couple weeks...way more fun than mom's sheetcake.

Washing down the pizza.

Party crowd...Zach (11 mos), Sierra (4), Brady (4), Ben (almost 4!), & Jane (5)...Sierra, Ben & Jane are all February babies!

Lez & I

Jane, Livvy (almost 2), & Ali

Jeff, Brady & Bryce

Gifts...the Dockter's got Ben this sweet Bobcat hat and he was so excited...he put it on and didn't take it off until bed I think.

Ben knows about Robbie mostly through Dad's stories and pictures...and knows Robbie has shot a bear. So when he 1st saw Robbie this weekend (at the waterpark) he told me...'Mom, Robbie's tough'... I guess through a 4 yr old's eyes anyone can be tough, huh Robbie? :)

Nothin but crumbs!

Sierra and her cousin Mason with Mason's parents, Carrie & Kelly.

Me and my boys.

Nick & Robbie

A little skeetball.


The Reef

One of our hotspot visits for the weekend was the Reef...the indoor water park at the Big Horn Resort. They have all kinds of pools, slides, water toys... a little bit of everything for all ages!

Zach & Dad ready to go.

One of everyone's favorites was the wave pool...Ben loved running and fighting the waves... prep for someday when we make it to the ocean. :)

The Weedins...we were so glad they came up and joined us in all the festivities...Ben & Brady are quite the little buddies and it's so fun watching the run around being 'boys'.

Ben & Brady fighting off the waves.

Robbie & Nikki Dockter also met up with us so Ben got to spend some time with Sierra, who just turned 4 earlier in the month!

Livvy & Als

The kid clan...Brady, Liv, Jane, Ben & Sierra

Big smiles...they were having such a good time!


Jane playing with Zach & Dad...Zach loved sitting in the pool and squealed when the waves would splash him.

My water baby.