Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chucky Cheese Please

We braved the madness and hit up Chucky Cheese for a little bday celebration. Ben had never been there, but had seen commercials and knew a little bit of what it was from talking about it... I think it's safe to say he won't forget it now and we will probably have many conversations about why we can't go there every time we're in Billings. :)

Ben & Zach waiting for their friends to get there.

Trying out some rides.

Better shot at the gophers if you sit on top.

Lez, Jane & Bryce came to party with us.

Yes, they still have the rocket.

Ali, Lez & I

Robbie putting his hot air to good use. :)

Let's party! Ben has only seen SpongeBob a handful of times, but for some reason was obsessed with having a SpongeBob bday. He's even hoping his Gramma brings him a SpongeBob cake when she comes in a couple weeks...way more fun than mom's sheetcake.

Washing down the pizza.

Party crowd...Zach (11 mos), Sierra (4), Brady (4), Ben (almost 4!), & Jane (5)...Sierra, Ben & Jane are all February babies!

Lez & I

Jane, Livvy (almost 2), & Ali

Jeff, Brady & Bryce

Gifts...the Dockter's got Ben this sweet Bobcat hat and he was so excited...he put it on and didn't take it off until bed I think.

Ben knows about Robbie mostly through Dad's stories and pictures...and knows Robbie has shot a bear. So when he 1st saw Robbie this weekend (at the waterpark) he told me...'Mom, Robbie's tough'... I guess through a 4 yr old's eyes anyone can be tough, huh Robbie? :)

Nothin but crumbs!

Sierra and her cousin Mason with Mason's parents, Carrie & Kelly.

Me and my boys.

Nick & Robbie

A little skeetball.
