Friday, February 18, 2011

"Here We Go Again"

To help celebrate Ben's 4th birthday, we planned a fun trip to Billings to spend time with some of his (& ours!) good friends. One day driving home from work/daycare, I told Ben we were going to spend a night a Jane's house, and that Brady & Livvy were going to be there too...his response...'Oh great, here we go again...' Not sure how to interpret that other than it's always a bit of chaos, but a whole lot of fun. :)

Lined up for a movie...Ben, Zach, Brady, Jane & Livvy

Most of the kids are into the movie...Zach's just having a good time. :)

I remember spending hours on end playing on stairs when I was younger with friends and cousins...the kids were having a ball with their punching balloons.

Brady, Ben & Liv

When the kids are a asleep, the parents will

Jeff & Ali

Lez & Bryce

Hubby & me

Next morning...cartoons...

...and some breakfast!

Jane (already sporting her swimsuit) and Zach
