Sunday, March 27, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

We were also able to catch a Cubs/Rockies spring training game while we were in Phoenix. The day was perfect and it was fun just hanging out on the lawn at the ballpark.

Zach throwing back a cold one.

Ben checking out the action up close.

The Mosley's.

Thanks for the cotton candy J!

Does it get any better?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Kase!

Kasey & Justin's good friends Brandon & Gina hung out with the boys one evening so we could go out and celebrate Kasey's birthday! (Thanks guys!)

Summer Lovin

Spending the afternoon by the pool in AZ...summer, we're ready for you to get to Montana!

Phoenix Zoo

We escaped on a little 4 day weekend get-away and headed south to Phoenix to visit the Mosley's and take in some sun! The weather was perfect...we were all ready for a taste of summer.

One of our first stops was too the zoo...

Everyone took their turns driving the kid limo. Zach was such a trooper the whole time...he loved just strollin around.

3 of the monkey's we saw... :)

Zach feeding a goat.

The Rhino was pretty amazing!

Ben scoping out the giraffes.

Zach & Kasey

Watching the giraffes...


Little tourists. :)

The Mosley's! Not sure they were as enthralled with the zoo as the boys, but they were troopers too.

Justin & the little man.

It got to be a long haul!

The dancing elephant (he kept swaying back and forth like he was dancing).

Hi Mom!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Chicken...& Ducks

Sunday afternoon we made a pit stop at Murdoch's to see the baby chicks & ducks...

And then up to the duck pond to see the products of those baby ducks!

It was an awesome day out...felt a bit like Spring had sprung!

Zach hangin with Gramma...

...& Grampa

Our little duck feeder.

You can see the concentration and umpfh he gives to his feeding...there were a few times I thought he was going to launch himself right in.