Saturday, March 12, 2011

Are They Here Yet?

The boys love it anytime someone comes to visit, but something special about when Grammas and Grampas come. :)

Waiting patiently. :)

Gramma M & Jenny came up on Thursday so the boys got to stay home with them on Friday while we were at work. They had lots of fun and it was even nice enough for a wagon ride and to go to the park!

We got lots of new books for birthdays (yay!) so there was story time throughout the weekend.

Does it look like Ben may be up to something?

Just his awnry self!

Playin with Grampa.

Ben was showin off his cool new Bobcat cap.

Look familiar? Is this what you think of when you hear 'smile'?

Using Aunt Jenny as a jungle gym.

Come on buddy!

Getting closer, but he still likes the death grip on mom's fingers.

There's a step or two!

Aunt Jenny gave Ben this snow cone maker... that little cup only took about half hour to crank out, but boy was it good! haha

Even Grampa got in on a few stories. Ben's new favorite is "Green Eggs & Ham"!