Saturday, March 26, 2011

Phoenix Zoo

We escaped on a little 4 day weekend get-away and headed south to Phoenix to visit the Mosley's and take in some sun! The weather was perfect...we were all ready for a taste of summer.

One of our first stops was too the zoo...

Everyone took their turns driving the kid limo. Zach was such a trooper the whole time...he loved just strollin around.

3 of the monkey's we saw... :)

Zach feeding a goat.

The Rhino was pretty amazing!

Ben scoping out the giraffes.

Zach & Kasey

Watching the giraffes...


Little tourists. :)

The Mosley's! Not sure they were as enthralled with the zoo as the boys, but they were troopers too.

Justin & the little man.

It got to be a long haul!

The dancing elephant (he kept swaying back and forth like he was dancing).

Hi Mom!