Friday, July 29, 2011

Georgetown Camp

We ventured out on a little camping weekend with just us and went and checked out the country up by Georgetown Lake...beautiful!

Campfire ready.

My little campers.

Drink in hand, check.

Ben's photography.

Ben's camping underarmor.

Ben was so excited for camping, we could hardly wind him down.

I spy Zach.

Ben is still a little disappointed we don't have a camper yet, but I think it's safe to say both boys thoroughly enjoyed the tent.

Dad made pancakes & sausage for breakfast!

Dad & Ben fishing. We did rent a boat and take it out on the lake...2 adults, 2 kids, and 2 dogs...and no one fell overboard. About an hour into it though the pull rope broke on the motor and Nick had to row us back in to the marina. :)

Ben really got into the fishing this trip.

Little bud was happy digging in the mud.

Caught one!

Yes, we had to forch Ben's little finger to pet the fish. :)

Ben with the catches of the day.

Gotta have smores.

Monday, July 25, 2011


A few random pics of our busy boys.

Sandbox fun

Zach absolutely loves the sandbox and will run and take the lid off any chance he gets. Ben's favorite is drowning it in else do you make sand castles mom?

Hole for a new tree.

Another favorite of Zach...hanging out in the Tonka truck. He will roll it up and sit in it to watch TV. :)

Brushing...or rather, sucking on the toothpaste.

Monkey see, monkey do. Zach is usually Ben's little shadow and wants to copy everything...without help of course.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Oh the Fair

Why does the fair always seem like a good idea and by the time you leave everyone's dirty, sticky, crabby, & tired?! :)

This is a flashback from last year...we went from this... this! This was his favorite ride last year and this year he was in tears when he got off!

The helicopters are always a favorite...Ben was busy shooting everyone down and Zach just had a huge grin on his face...loved it!

At what age do I get to start taking them on the zipper and for-go the helicopters? :) Soon enough I'm sure (about the time when it isn't cool to go with mom) so I guess I won't wish these years away!

Zach wasn't about to sit on the sidelines anymore...Dad took the boys on the big slide.

Weeeeeee ?

The cars were probably the favorite of the day!

If you can't tell, Zach was thoroughly enjoying himself. :)

At the petting zoo...I was trying to convince Zach to pet the goats...he wasn't real sure.

Ben like them all!

I don't think that was a real excited scream.

Get me out of here and take me back to the rides!

They did have this little bucket drum set that the boys were loving...lots of banging and screaming, what's not to love?! Although I did put my foot down when Nick said he could probably make one for home...we'll leave this kind of fun for the fair.

I didn't get a picture, but when we were getting ready to go we had 3 tickets left so we asked Ben what he wanted to do...he wanted to walk through the fun house. So, we sent him in after some kids. The first little maze was through a bunch of mirrors and as we were watching him I saw the look of panic set in...he found his way back out front in full fledge tears...guess we're not ready for the fun house on our own yet. :)