Saturday, July 2, 2011

4th Celebration in Wibaux

Wibaux had it's 100 year celebration so we headed back to take in the festivities...5k run, horseshoe tourney, class reunions, street dance, parade, bump-n-run...lots of fun time with family & friends!

Yes Julie & I showed up in pretty much the same outfit Saturday.

Hard to believe, but Nick & Justin won the horseshoe tourney...and we didn't hear the end of it all weekend.

Zach (15 mos) and Kya (8 mos) (Tori's) and their 6 pack

Ben playing bubbles with Jace & Gabi and Grace

Ryker (Tori's) with his Aunt Kara

Nothing like an ice cold UNOPENED Bud Light

Or was it opened?? :)

Long day?

Everyone had their cheeks painted so I was trying to get a picture...and I think everyone was wondering why Ben didn't want one so bad.

Getting ready for the parade - Megan & Kenna

Nick drove the wagon train...

Zach & John (Nelson) racing for the candy.

Beat him to one.

Zach jumped on board.

Ben, Grace, Abby & Hailey

I stole some of these pics from Annie...water gun fight up at Great Gramma's.

Secret Agent Ben

Even Zach & Jace got in on it.

I'm not sure I was winning.

Some of the crew...Ben, Hailey, Grace & Abby and Kenna & Megan in the back.

Justin & Ben out at the bump & run...Ben sporting some of his parade loot.

Kara OC stopped by with her little fam so Ben & Zach got to play with her girls - April & Autumn for to see them!

Justin pretending to keep all the kids in line.

Mandy & I

Me & Brady...valedictorian & salutatorian - Class of 1996! :)

Class of 1996 'Reunion' - Brady, Kasey, me, Jason & Craig. There's only 5 of us, but hey, that's 1/3 of the class! Can it really be 15 years?!

Me & J bird.

Mandy & Kasey

Horseshoe champs after a long day of celebrating. Notice Justin still can't stop smiling. :)