Saturday, July 9, 2011

New Sidewalk/Pad

Nick gathered up some troops and we got our sidewalked poured around the side of our house to the garage and the back pad for our soon to be shed!

Of course Ben wanted to be in the middle of all the action!

He was fascinated by how everything was working...and finally got to see a 'concrete truck' that dad always uses up close and personal.

Dad slaving away.

Ben was in charge of spraying everything down...what little kid wouldn't want the job with the hose and spray nozzle?

Ben supervising a couple of Dad's guys.

Sean & Rob...also supervising? J/k...thanks for the help guys!

Little bud was helping wherever he could too...although we had to keep a close eye...what is it about wet concrete that draws little boys and dogs?!

We even did handprints in back on the shed pad. Ben's was pretty easy...

...Zachary, a bit more challenging. He kept wanting to smash his hand and dig his fingers in it...we did a couple re-do's and then called it good.

That's a dirty little patty!

A little had to see yet, but finished product.