Saturday, October 15, 2011

Family & Football

We had a busy weekend full of family & football. Gramma Morasko, Jenny & Derrick and Cory, Annie, Kenna, Abby & Kenna's friend Winiuh all came up for some Bobcat football, see the boys...and Nick & I...probably in that order. :)

Gramma & Zach

Aunt Jenny & the boys ...

Abby & Annie...getting into the Sprite early. :)

Makenna brought a friend...Winiuh...I think they had fun?! We loved having them!

Annie & Cory...loaded up the girls and left Glendive at 5:00 am to get here and get some tailgating in!

We've had a lot of fun getting in some Bridger time at the games. But try as he might, Bridger couldn't understand why Ben wanted to be on the girls team all the time...give him another couple years Bridger!

These two wrestled around for a good a little rough, but we kept hearing giggles out of the pile so let them have at it!

Andrew & Rachel stopped by the tailgate too...Kenna & Rach.

Derrick & Leona having a go at cornhole.

Winiuh and Cory

Posing with the superfan.

Shaners was in town too!

Nick, Mom, Sis & Bro

Waiting for the Prowl...

Here they come...high fives!

Apparently it's never too cold for snow cones!

Hottub party celebrating the big W.

Kenna brough some Wii dance party game so we got some pretty good entertainment...I'll upload the video when I get a chance. :)

Go Ben & Abby! Zach...I think your timing's a little off buddy.