Saturday, October 1, 2011


Little Bobcat brothers.

Lined up and ready for the Homecoming parade!

Champ, the band, candy AND tractors...ideal parade.

For some reason, these giant turds have been a highlight of the parade for the past couple years. They walk boy, squat and poop out tootsie rolls...classic...clearly a boy favorite!

We had to herd Zach back in a few times...let no candy be left behind.

Ahhh...and new fog-horns...they were going off constantly for the day until we 'lost' them. :) They only tend to reappear on game days.

Took him a few tries, but once he got it he couldn't of been prouder...his cheeks had to hurt by the end of the day.

After the parade, Zach went and hung with a sitter while we headed to the game. Our buddy Bridger was in town with his dad Jake so it was fun to see him!

Ben with Jay & Shelly

Me and my awnry boy.

Mason & Ben

Ben & Presley

And the big kids...Nick, Dane & Sean