Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Super Hero Style

For Ben, the hardest part of Halloween this year was deciding which super hero to be...after several options we finally stuck with...

BATMAN...he had the stance down and everything...maybe because it's similar to the football stance??

Our little Superman was having a little rough go of it. He had a little cold and wasn't sure about getting bundled up and stuffed into a costume.

This was about the best we could do for posing.

We met up with our friends Wesley & Bella again this year for treak or treating. It's always fun to go with a group and Ben & Wesley are good little buds. And can see Superman was still not having it.

Prime Optimus transformer & Batman.

The wagon train.

Ben knew the ropes...our biggest reminder for him was you don't actually need to go into the houses and make yourself at home. :) Zach followed along and caught on to the whole bit...and realized this gig wasn't half bad!

We also met up with Cass the salsa dancer and little Emery the cow.

Ben insisted on pushing Emery a know, he is 5 months older so kinda the big kid.

Was ready to ditch the wagon...just not quite as fast as the rest of the pack.

Ben handing out candy once we got home. I think he enjoys this just as much as the actual trick or treating. He always commented on everyone's costumes and made sure he knew what everyone was dressed up as. :)