Friday, November 4, 2011

Off to Mandan

We ventured off across the state into ND to Clint & Jada's ...long road, but was fun to finally get to their place. I had been there several years ago, but none of the boys have...Ben was pretty excited to see "Ella's house".

Little Josie Rae...such a sweet baby, barely heard a peep out of her the whole time we were there...even in the midst of a crazy house full she was all smiles!

Zach talking to Josie.

Ben would be going 100 miles an hour, but every once in awhile even he had to take a time out for a little Josie time. :)

My parents were there too...Ella & Ben trying to wrestle Grampa.

Even Gavin had to join in...I think he was out numbered.

Some playtime with Gramma.

They have an indoor little water park so Saturday we met up with Mike & Mandy and their kiddos and had a little water fun. Ben & Jace were excited to spend some time together!

Ella down the kid slide.

Zach & Ben crossing the lilly pads.

Clint, Gavin & Ella

We 'let' the boys get in and have all the fun. :)

Ella, Jace & Ben

Josie hangin with Gramma.

Ben & Dad down the big slide.

Even Zach got a turn.

Clint & Gavin

Wet noodles.


Zach, Gabi & Gavin


Mike, Mandy & Nick doing some serious supervising.

Gavin tried on his Halloween costume for us!

Sweet little Cowboy.

Ella just got some baby kittens so they were having fun with them...although Ben wasn't quite ready to hold fact, he may have screamed a bit like a little girl when Jada thought she was being nice and giving him a turn. :)