Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Game that Wasn't

The day started out so promising, but by the end of it we felt like we got the wind knocked out of us. That kind of sums up Cat/Griz 2011.

Jenny & her boyfriend Wade came up for the's Ben sporting Jenny's hat. The boys stayed home in the warmth with a sitter, but they 'tailgated' with us before we left.

And Zachary.

We stopped in to Specs before heading over to the field.

Bryce & Lez met us for a drink.

Up at the field...wasn't too bad out when the sun was shining!

Bryce & I

Jenny & Wade

Lez & I...just like the college days. :)

Nick, Dane & Bryce

Dane & Natalie

Jen & I

Dane, Nick, Robert & Mason

Laurel, Kyle, Ryan & Ashly Staiger

Pumped up BEFORE the game.

Tori, Ryker & Kya flew in to Bozeman on their way to Wibaux for Thanksgiving so they came out to the house for a bit after the game. I should've got my camera out earlier, but here's a few pics as they were getting ready to leave and everyone was played out...

Kya & Zach

All the kids...Ryker & Ben, Nick, Zach & Kya

It was all a blur at this point. :)

A bit of awnriness going on...Ben introduced Ryker to the art of wrestling. A year and a half younger (although 6 lbs heavier) and Ryker can definitely hold his own.

Hmmm...I wonder where Ben gets it...