Saturday, November 5, 2011

God Bless Josie

Nick & I feel very lucky to have been asked to be Josie's Godparents. She's a sweet little girl and we loved being part of her big day!

Getting spiffed up and ready to go to the baptism.

Cute little family!

Take 1...

...and least no scrunched noses.

Afterwards we went to a steakhouse for a little celebration. Jace & Ben, ready to party.

Zach & Grampa trying to stay out of trouble.

Little wild men tearin the place up.

Jace, Ella & Ben...up to something.

Zach giving Gramma some love.

He's a good smoocher these days! A lot of times when I ask him for a kiss he'll just offer me his cheek, but when he's in the mood he'll really lay one on. :)

Gabi, Gavin & Zach

The little people crew.

Picking on Mike.

I guess the party's over.

Sweet baby Josie!

My little Goddaughter.