Saturday, November 26, 2011

Morasko Fam

We headed up to Glendive so we could spend a few nights with the Morasko clan too.

Pure awnriness. :)

He looks a lot like his Gramma Morasko!

Just being silly...

...monkey see, monkey do works both ways.

Hangin with Grampa.

Ben was a big help with Gramma getting the tree up!

Jerry & Bob were in town.

Rick Utgard and his daughter Madison came over so the kids got to play for a bit.

Me, Jenny & Leona enjoying a little happy hour break!

Friday, November 25, 2011

We Love the Farm

The kids absolutely love the farm...and I love that they are able to play and enjoy it, giving them just a glimpse of what it was like growing up there!

Poor Jet has a bum leg and is getting up there in years so Grampa bought a new horse for the kids to love on, Dusty.

Ella, Ben & Grace feeding piece of straw at a time.

My little farm boy. :)

Zach wanted in on the fun too!

Brotherly love.

Ben, Zach & Grace

And of course there has to be 4 wheeler time. Ben behind the wheel with Abby, Ella & Grace.

Waiting patiently to get going...they were going to 'help' move some cows!

Zach likes his spin on there too.

Gramma got out the stockings so the kids could help hang up their own.

Kenna helping out Ben...

...and Zach.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful for Family

We were able to spend Thanksgiving with LOTS of family... I think I set out like 40+ glasses at dinner time? To some, maybe chaos, to me...ideal Thanksgiving. :)

Now there's a cute table of little boys..Gavin, Grady, Zach & Coy.

It can't be possible that these 4 have outgrown that little table already?? Ben, Ella, Grace & Abby digging into the Tom & Jerry's early.

Maybe Julie & I should still be at the kid table?

Zach lovin on Coy.

My grandparents!

Zach & Jessie

Ella & Ben giving Gramma her few moments a can almost see in their eyes how hard it is to sit still.

Moms & Daughters! Jess, Aunt Reenie, me Aunt Darlene, Julie & Mom.

Looks like trouble...Zach, Jace, Grady & Coy.

Yep, trouble.

Cory with the look of don't bother me, the Cowboys are playing.

Dad, Grampa Barthel, Uncle Bart (him & Trevor were out from Michigan) and Grampa Begger playing cards.

Big girl trouble...Megan & Kenna.

Abby & Hailey

Clint & Trevor

Jerry & Nate

Darlene & her Grandboys.

Buddies for sure... Ben & Grace

They never slow down...Abby, Ben, Ella & Grace

Sure is a cute toy in that big 'ol toybox (from my younger years).

We tried to round up all of these little toys between the ages of 1 and 2... Gavin (poor guy had just woken up to be thrown in the toybox), Zach, Jace, Grady & Coy.

The meltdown begins to spread.

Notice Zach is just sitting behind everyone still contently playing.

Cousins - Virginia & Darlene...

and their cute little daughters. :)

Zach & Dad

Travis, Nate & Julie

Of course the best part is eating every couple hours!