Saturday, July 21, 2012

Grace & Coy Visit

Casey & Carly and Grace & Coy came up for a visit.  We used to see them a little more frequently when they lived in Billings, but it's been awhile since we've had them to our house since they moved to Glendive so it was fun having them.

We helped Carly celebrate the big 3-0! 

Coy (21 mos), Zach (2), Grace (4) and Ben (5)
They have a lot of fun together!

Carly was reading books out under the stars. 

Movie time

The fair was in was fun for the boys to have buddies to go on the rides with! 

Ben & Grace on the big slide (yes, holding hands :)

The dragon was a favorite.

You can't see it in the picture, but Casey rode the helicopters with the little guys and had to get them off kicking and screaming when it was done because they wanted to go he is walking out with two boys just crying their eyes out.   Oh the fair.  :)


This was probably a favorite of these two...all grins.