Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sleigh Ride

Last year we discovered a fun little sleigh ride at 320 Ranch up in Big Sky so we decided to take everyone up and hit it up again.  Yes, it's overpriced, but yes, we have had a great time each year!

 Ben, Abby & Grace

Abby & her Dad 

My parents 

The kids had fun just playing around in the snow at the Ranch. 

Loading up. 

 Look who got front & center!

Our 'sleigh guide'. 

If you have eagle eyes you can spot the elk we saw! 

Pulling into camp. 

Inside the tent they have snacks and a little bar to get hot choc & toddies! 

Me & my bro. 

Dad...last one out of the a little 'horse talk' with the help.  :) 

Thank you 320...we'll be back next year!