Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

The boys are at such a fun age for these types of holidays.  Although, it still makes me smile the night before when I'm having the same conversations with Ben about his worry of whether the Easter Bunny will come into his room (same fear of Santa)...I really want you to come to my house, but could do without you creeping around in my room while I'm sleeping.  :)


New baseballs! 

 After church.

My handsome boys! 

Nick frying his usual Easter turkey. 

Mark & Derrick playing with the boys. 

Derrick & Jen 

It was so nice out everyone was enjoying soaking up the sun! 

Had to break out the cornhole... Zach serving as can never be too careful, did he make it bud? 

Nick & Derrick 

Spectators... Ben was cold so instead of putting on sweats/sweatshirt he came out in his long underwear and bathrobe...whatever works for you buddy. 

Wade & Leona 

Derrick, Wade & Nick... ohhh, there's lots I could say about this picture, but you can probably make your own conclusions as to what was going on....from Wade on his the beverage selection on the the 'grins' each one of them is wearing...  :)